Monday, June 29, 2009

Strawberry Picking & Sprinkler Fun

So for our one sunny day this month we decided to do our annual strawberry picking. We choose a different farm this year and were pretty happy with the berries considering all the rain we have had. The kids had a good time and surprisingly they were more interested in getting the "biggggggggg" ones than sampling. We also took advantage of the warm weather and got in the pool for the first time this year and both kids had a blast, it was a little chilly, but once you were in it was fine. Isabella actually likes the water this year, which is great. Jaxson has always liked the water so I knew he would jump right in. Then we got the sprinkler out when we took a break from the pool to warm up a tad. All in all, a really good day !!!

Isabella Coloring

Today I printed a couple of pictures from from Super Why, a favorite of my kids. We have to keep busy with something seeing as though mother nature is not allowing us to play outside in the yard !!! Very cruel !! Well anyways, Isabella colored Princess Presto and I think she did an awesome job !! Pretty good at staying in the lines I think.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Dancing Princesses Part II

This silly computer it froze and I couldn't get anymore pics on it. Try TWO.

Dancing Princesses

Isabella had her dance recital on Saturday. How cute were all the little dancers with there dresses and hair up in buns. Isabella did wonderfully, despite the nerves.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Jaxson and His Corn

We had a little cookout Saturday night for dinner and ate on the porch since it was the first day we had seen sun in over a week!!! Jaxson didn't eat most of his dinner, but he sure likes his corn !

Princess Party

Isabella went to her friends birthday party on Saturday and Belle (aka Beauty and Beast) came for a surprise visit. All the little girls dressed as princesses (Isabella was also Belle) and made crowns and played princess games with Belle. She had a wonderful time seeing all her friends from school that she hasn't see in a week since school ended the 3rd.

Monkey Joe's

Well Anthony had the day off on Thursday and we thought we would go and try Monkey Joe's. Well it was an experience..... Isabella was scared for her life, the slides were really tall (25 ft in the air) and super slippery (they spray everything down with this sanitizing spray that made even the carpet slippery). Jaxson on the other hand was fearless (maybe that a boy thing) he was going right up the biggest slide and having a blast. By the end he was so sweaty his hair was wet, needless to say they both had a good nap and a good nights sleep.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I want you !!!

Jaxson and I were playing outside today after we dropped Isabella off at school. I just thought this was a cute picture of him.

Last day of school

I can't believe that a whole year has flown by just like that. WOW !! Well Isabella said her goodbyes to her teachers with many hugs from everyone. I can't believe how much she has grown up is such a short amount of time. I have posted a pictures from the first day of school and a picture from today her last day of school. Amazing !!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

My First Trampoline

Check out the pics of my high flying act we call "Isabella and Jaxson". We purchased "my first trampoline" at Toysrus a couple of weeks ago for Isabella. She loves jumping and seems rather acrobatic so we thought this would be a good outdoor toy for the summer. This will keep her busy after school is out of Wed and before gymnastic classes at the Y start the end of June.